Open-access Family, subjectivity and language: the "abnormal" child grammar

This paper discuss how the birth of an "abnormal" child causes a social impact in the family's life. In order to articulate the individual and the social levels, it was integrated some conceptual notions from antrophology and philosophy of language. This study is based upon an empirical data of life histories from "abnormal" children's families, which was collected in a research made in Rio de Janeiro. In these analyses, it is done some descriptions of families' reactions when they find out about their children's mental illness. It is also given an emphasis in the families' capabilities to communicate their own experience against the abnormality, as a learning way of gaining strength and wisdom. The conclusions say that the procedure to communicate the diagnosis is very important, because it changes the child condition to an "abnormal" one, and it also creates a new kind of mother, and a new kind of father. A lot of pain will have to be faced. It is necessary to comfort the families and to give them the right orientations. Families' routines will be changed. A new kind of care will be developed with these children; new responsibilities and some sacrifice's acts will be expected from their families. It is needed a new repertory of knowledge. It is very important to offer family support in order to help them to overcome desperation, confusion, and disorientation. But, what it is more difficulty than anything is the fight against the social discrimination, which injures people inside and outside.

Family; Subjectivity and language; Abnormal child; Child mental illness

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