Open-access Antiracist ethos and the collective oral health as a pathway for life


This article proposes a reflection on the imperative of antiracism in collective oral health, which, as a science, field, core, and praxis, contributes significantly to the reconstruction of an ethos that considers equity and enables citizenship and democracy. As a paradigm, we assumed the concept of “Buccality” and the guidelines of the National Comprehensive Health Policy for the Black Population, emphasizing the defense of the right to health as a prerogative of the right to life and the combat against racism and all forms of discrimination systematically. As a critical exercise, we discussed the status quo of collective oral health. We pointed to adopting a racial pro-equity perspective as an intentional, political choice socially agreed upon with all of society for social justice. Finally, we propose recommendations for dismantling systemic racism in collective oral health.

Key words: Black people; Oral Health; Systemic racism

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