Open-access Tooth loss experiences in adult and elderly users of Primary Health Care


From the theoretical perspective of phenomenology, this article seeks to understand the experiences of tooth loss in adult and elderly users of Primary Health Care in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Tooth loss was identified by the analysis of dental records of users that attended the oral health service at the Health Unit under study. Following this identification, individual household interviews were carried out. The sample was intentional. Data were interpreted by content analysis using the software ATLAS.ti (Visual Qualitative Data Analysis). The study had ethical approval. Losing teeth was an experience that expresses subjectivities, showing plural narratives and highlighting the social function of the mouth. Besides the number of missing teeth, the understanding of how people perceived themselves without their teeth determined how much tooth loss affected their lives. Wearing prostheses adds significance to individuals’ perceptions of their body, restoring the balance between their body and the world. Qualitative approach studies in health services should be considered in order to plan interventions which prioritize people's individual needs in their own territories, thus reducing stigmas and social inequalities.

Key words Tooth loss; Oral health; Quality of life; Dental prosthesis; Primary health care

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