Open-access A frame nearly without retouch of the Public Health post-graduation alumni, 1998-2007

We present the results of a data collection that allowed to identify where are and what the alumni of the Public Health post-graduation programs think about some attributes of their post-graduation, from 1998 to 2007. By means of two distinctive and concomitant phases, this subproject was initiated with information request along with the programs. The answers allowed the construction of a student census that defended thesis or equivalent, in three modalities: doctorate, academic and professional master. Besides the data provision that allowed us to construct and describe an academic-professional profile of the Public Health area alumni, the information allowed electronic contact with most of the alumni located. In the second phase, we sent the alumni a form to be answered online, with appreciative questions regarding the role of the post graduation on their intellectual and professional path, aiming to characterize their post-graduation degree. We forwarded some suggestions to future researches, as for example the creation of a standardized and digitalized enrollment form open to consultation.

Post-graduation evaluation; Alumni; Public health; Electronic form; Census

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