Open-access Development and validation of performance indicators of the National School Food Program management


The evaluation of the National School Food Program (PNAE) is a strategic action to ensure the quality of management. This study aims to develop and validate an instrument of performance indicators to assess the management of the PNAE in the national context. A psychometric study was carried out for the development and validation of performance indicators. Twelve indicators were subsequently established and evaluated by an expert panel concerning seven attributes. The Delphi technique was used for the consensus of the expert panel, and the content validity of the indicators was analyzed with the Content Validity Ratio. Nutritionists working on the implementation of the PNAE assessed the relevance of the indicators by answering an online questionnaire to construct validity and reliability. Thirteen (43.3%, 13/30) experts participated in the Delphi round 1 and nine (69.2%, 9/13) completed the Delphi round 2. A new indicator was developed after the experts’ suggestions. Furthermore, 281 nutritionists participated in this study assessing the relevance of the indicators. Overall, content and construct validity were achieved for 13 indicators. All were considered relevant and had the potential to promote the assessment of PNAE operational management.

Key words: School food; Program evaluation; Indicators; Reproducibility of results; Psychometrics

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