Open-access The Education Program of Work for Health of the University of São Paulo (capital campus): the viewpoint of the tutors

In order to bring about positive changes in the education process of health professionals, the Ministries of Health and Education established the Education Program of Work for Health in 2008. The study aimed to achieve the consensus of a group of experts about the Program established at the University of São Paulo, Capital Campus, Brazil. The subjects of the study were the tutors who joined the program in 2010-2012. A qualitative approach was used based on the Delphi Technique. Among the data collected, tutors believe the program provides benefits to teaching practices and contributes to qualification of professionals involved in health services, and offers improvements for training in the health area. From the subjects' point of view, the tutors are the link between academia and the health services and the instructors are critical to ensure the effectiveness of activities. The staging of regular meetings and seminars help in the process. The main limitations are the lack of explicit commitment shown by some students and the high workload of undergraduate courses.

Education; Human resources training; Qualitative research; Delphi technique

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