Open-access Growth charts of Brazilian youngs: 20-years data of 95,000 children and adolescents from “Projeto Esporte Brasil”

Curvas de crescimento de jovens brasileiros: dados de 20 anos com 95.000 crianças e adolescentes do “Projeto Esporte Brasil”


This article aims to present growth curves for height, weight, and BMI of 95,000 Brazilian youths aged 6 to 17 years, including the five regions of the country, the Amazon region, and indigenous populations, and compare them with the World Health Organization (WHO) growth references. The final sample consisted of 52,729 boys and 42,731 girls from the “Projeto Esporte Brasil” database. Body mass and height information were used to derive the curves. The generalized additive model for location, scale, and shape was employed. In this study, we present smoothed weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI-for-age curves for boys and girls. Differences were observed between the results of the Brazilian curves and the WHO growth references. The developed curves will be valuable for professionals in medicine, public health, nutrition, physical education, and other related fields, regarding the assessment of physical growth in Brazilian children and adolescents and monitoring the nutritional status of this population. Additionally, these curves will facilitate the identification of individuals or subgroups at risk of diseases and delayed growth, with a greater focus on specific country-related factors.

Key words: Growth charts; Anthropometry; Body weights and measures; Growth and development; Public health

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