Open-access Information on seniors' morbidity upon internments on the Brazilian Unified Health System

Considering the high hospital costs of the elderly, this study aimed to compare the seven highest frequencies of morbidity in the elderly using data from Hospital Information System. The methodology used was the evaluation of information obtained in the database Datasus/Ministry of Health on the morbidity of hospital admissions in the elderly, in 2005 and 1994. Additionally, it was performed the calculation of standard and adjusted rates by the direct standardization method using Epidat 3.1. The main results were the diseases of the circulatory system remained prevalent in 2005 (28%) and 1994 (32%), with a reduction of 4% between these years. The number of cases of neoplasms doubled from 1994 (4%) to 2005 (8%), and infectious and parasitic diseases were basically maintaining the same percentage of 7% in 1994 and 2005. It can be concluded that in Brazil, the hospital morbidity in elderly remains the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, there is a reduction of non-infectious and parasitic diseases, and also signs of recent and sharp increase of neoplasms. It is recommended the use of comparison studies between periods become as a tool used in management.

Morbidity; Elderly; Public health

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