Open-access The perception of risk among police officers from different areas of the State of Rio de Janeiro

This article seeks to identify the perception of risk among police officers in the State of Rio de Janeiro based on their areas of operation: Capital, Interior and Baixada Fluminense (BF), by analyzing comparative victimization. It is a transversal study using the triangulation method. The quantitative research investigated 533 police officers in the Capital, 159 in the Interior and 222 in the BF; the qualitative approach included interviews with 17 police chiefs and 15 focus groups in the three areas. The results indicate that risk perceptions of officers, and the strategies used to minimize them are characteristics that unite them. Despite its universal nature, risk has differentiated gradations in relation to function and territory of operation. In the Capital there is greater exposure to the risk of confrontation with criminals, less respect for the police from the population, though there is greater operational support from the corporation. Contrary to perception, victimization is related to the territory: 67.8% of police officers were victimized in the Capital last year; 13.7% in the Interior; and 9.7% in the BF. The expectation is that the analyses will provide input for management of technical support and health assistance for police officers, considering the specificities of work in the different areas.

Risk; Victimization; Police officers

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