Open-access Brazilian comprehensive health care policies for adolescents, young men and the health of men: political debates and masculinity

This paper analyzes the proposal of the Brazilian Comprehensive Health Care Policy for Adolescents and Young People - PNAISAJ, and the Brazilian Comprehensive Health Care Policy for Men - PNAISH, as policies that introduce a new way to address comprehensive health care for these population groups. From official documents, the debates among both policies were analyzed to identify: 1) how the relational perspective of gender and masculinity were considered in each policy; and 2) other key transversal concepts to the policies studied. While the category of life cycle marks the PNAISAJ proposal, the gender issue is paramount in the PNAISH proposal. We conclude that political texts express the interests and understanding of the field of knowledge of protagonists from each of the segments analyzed, constituting cultural policies with the power to establish some meanings for attention and care of health in different population groups.

Public health policies; Adolescents; Young men and men; Masculinity; Gender; Cultural policies

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