Open-access Frequent consumption of industrialized food and its perception among overweight and obese indigenous Mayan adolescents


The scope of this paper was to identify what kind and which type of modern industrialized foods that overweight and obese adolescents consume and the perception they have of them. The study was of the qualitative-quantitative, descriptive and interpretative type and was conducted with adolescent students from four high schools in the municipality of Abalá, Yucatán, Mexico. It consisted of three stages, the first of which involved recording anthropometric measurements of 292 high school students to obtain their Body Mass Index. In the second stage, 58 students who were overweight and obese were randomly selected and a food consumption frequency questionnaire was applied. In the third stage, four focus groups were held to ascertain the perception with respect to food consumption. A high intake of modern industrialized foods was observed at breakfast, school break and dinner, though traditional dishes are still consumed at mealtimes. The conclusion drawn is that there is a transculturation of food among adolescents.

Key words Industrialized foods; Overweight; Obesity; Adolescents; Indigenous people

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