Open-access Quality of life related to health of adolescents with dm1: an integrative review


This study aimed to analyze the scientific literature on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This is an integrative review whose inclusion criteria were full-text papers available online in Portuguese, English and Spanish; published and indexed in databases Lilacs, Medline, Adolec, BDENF, in the period 2003-2013 that reflected the theme HRQOL, Type 1 diabetes and adolescents. Twenty-two papers were analyzed, from which the following themes were retrieved: development and validation of tools to measure the HRQOL of diabetic adolescents; HRQOL of adolescents with diabetes; factors affecting the quality of life of adolescents with diabetes and resources used to assist adolescents in diabetes management. The HRQOL of adolescents with diabetes has been a widely studied and disseminated topic in international literature, but has poorly echoed in Brazil. Studies published in international journals in English predominated. Thus, we emphasize the importance of conducting research of this nature in Brazil, since the measurement of HRQOL of diabetic adolescents may help the multidisciplinary team in care planning.

Quality of Life; Type 1 diabetes mellitus; Adolescent

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