Open-access Regional management and singular production of Urgent and Emergency Care Network


This study aims to understand the movements of the Urgency and Emergency Care Network production in two health regions. It is characterized as a qualitative multiple case study and was developed through open interviews with managers of the Brazilian Health System, SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde), in two Brazilian states. The empirical material was organized and discussed through identified categories adopting the analytical scheme of the fields of organizational interventions which were: the multiplicity of movements in the production of the RUE, the power of the hospitals; and, the weakness of government regulation. Despite the different times and contexts in these states, both processes emphasized organizational aspects and financing, with low inputs in the production of different modes of health care production. Regional governance is, therefore, produced in the complex relations between national policy and local action. The RUE as a public policy induced nationally by the Ministry of Health becomes a singular production in the field of regional management.

Key words: Health Care Network; Emergency; Regionalization; Health management; Micropolitics

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