Open-access Food insecurity and inadequate food intake among students of municipal schools, São Leopoldo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


This research involves a school-based cross sectional study to evaluate the association between food insecurity (FI) and inadequate food intake (IFI), among 782 children (mean age of 6.9±0.5) of the 1st year of primary school in the municipal schools of São Leopoldo in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were gathered from mothers or guardians. FI was obtained through the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale, and food consumption using the food frequency questionnaire. Foods were classified as healthy eating markers (HEM) and unhealthy (UEM) and received scores according to intake frequency. HEM: 0 - 1 day - zero; 2 to 3 days - 0.25; 4 to 5 days - 0.75; 6 to 7 days - 1, and the reverse for the UEM. The scores could range from 0 to 25 (HEMS) and 0 to 19 (UEMS). A standardized total score (TS) was obtained [HEMS * (19/44) + UEMS * (25/44)] and could range from 0 to 22. The scores were categorized into terciles and the 1st considered IFI. The FI was 45.1% and the average scores were 5.9 (HEMS), 15.9 (UEMS) and 11.6 (TS). No association was found between IA and IFI. High IA and low food scores require intersectoral approaches to ensure access to food in quantity and quality appropriate for this population.

Food insecurity; Food consumption; Schoolchildren

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