Open-access “Even if we are the caring hand”: Black doctors and structural racism in the context of primary health care


This study scrutinizes structural racism’s influence on the training and work of Black professionals in primary health care (PHC) in Rio de Janeiro, particularly focusing on the experiences of Black female physicians. Employing a qualitative approach via a Focus Group, conducted in November 2022, we adopted symbolic interactionism to interpret racism-related experiences. Our findings encompass two primary dimensions: the manifestation of structural and institutional racism within the Unified Health System (SUS), and how racism permeates health work processes and consequences. Results highlight enduring impacts, spanning education to PHC roles, hindering healthcare process recalibration. Participants identify institutional and structural racism, from managerial neglect to territorial violence and physician scarcity, constraining comprehensive care. It is crucial to unveil and grasp racism’s structural essence within healthcare, aligned with the vision of health as a fundamental right.

Key words: Systemic racism; Physicians; Primary care; Blacks; Primary health care

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