Open-access Trend analysis of the claim rate and the impact on the reduction of the number of private healthcare providers in Brazil


Alarming data on the part of health care providers on the increase of the claim rate and its potential risk has emerged. It is a descriptive study, with the objective of understanding the changes in the healthcare provider sector in recent years, using the temporal analysis of historical series related to the sector. The variables selected for this study were the claim rate, the coverage rate, and the number of private healthcare providers in activity, observed from 2003 to 2014. The method used for evaluation of the temporal trend was Linear Regression. The claim rate and the coverage rate show an upward trend in the period, while the number of operators in Brazil showed a decreasing trend during the same period. These results show that even with the increase in demand, there was a decrease in the number of operators active in the country. The claim rate is one of the possible causes observed this inverse relationship because the increased offers risks of survival and the opening of new operators. Moreover, the decrease in the number of providers, is leading the country to an oligopolistic industry with an increasing demand in the number of beneficiaries. This decrease is also associated with regulatory processes, which regulates the sector’s relationship with the beneficiary.

Claim rate; Healthcare; Trend analyses

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