Open-access Family planning: use of the health services by young people with experience of pregnancy

The scope of this paper was to analyze the use of family planning services by young women with experience of pregnancy. It involves a cross-sectional study conducted with 464 young women who completed a pregnancy in the first quarter of 2006 in six hospitals in Teresina, when they were between 15 and 19 years of age. Data were collected in 2008 through a pre-coded and pre-tested form. Multivariate analysis showed that young women with lower income and a higher number of pregnancies, for whom health professionals, family and partner were their source of information, and who used contraception in their last sexual relations, were more likely to be users of family planning services. Approximately 55% of young women said they would seek a specialized service for their age group, even if it was far from their residence. It was revealed that there is a need for investments in a specialized service with inherent characteristics that facilitate early access for young women, and also address the concerns of the young women who, despite having experienced an adolescent pregnancy, do not use the available family planning services.

Health services; Family planning; Adolescent pregnancy

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