Open-access Effects of factitious hosts on biology of Catolaccus grandis (Burks) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of Anthonomus grandis boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

The effects of the factitious hosts Euscepes postfasciatus (Fairmaire) and Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) on the reproduction and attack rates of Catolaccus grandis (Burks), parasitoid of the cotton boll weevil, were studied in bioclimate chambers, at 30ºC, relative humidity of 60 ± 10%, and a 14L:10D photoperiod. The factitious hosts C. maculatus and E. postfasciatus provided higher development rates than A. grandis. The parasitism rates ranged from 44.3% in E. postfasciatus to 39.9% in A. grandis. The natural host (cotton boll weevil) originated the highest female pupae percentage (73.7%). C. grandis showed the same acceptance for oviposition in both factitious hosts; however, the highest production of eggs was obtained on E. postfasciatus. The parasitoid oogenesis was stimulated in a similar way in the presence of the host A. grandis and factitious host E. postfasciatus, and both overcame the factitious host C. maculatus in number of eggs deposited in the first five days. The host quality affected the oviposition period and the longevity of the parasitoid, being the host A. grandis responsible for smallest life expectation and oviposition period. Larvae of E. postfasciatus and C. maculatus might be used as factitious hosts of C. grandis. These factitious hosts serve as hosts for parasitoid females of C. grandis to stimulate oogenesis.

Insecta; cotton boll weevil; ectoparasitoid; biological control; mass rearing

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