Open-access Foraging patterns in a nocturnal swarm-founding wasp, Apoica flavissima van der Vecht (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Padrões de forrageamento na vespa noturna Apoica flavissima van der Vecht (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Foraging behaviour has a remarkable significance to colonies of social insects since it is directly related to the supply of food, water, and pulp. Social wasps of the genus Apoica Lepeletier are primarily nocturnal, but studies concerning the general aspects related to this habit are still scarce. This study showed that the rates of foraging flights were higher during the full moon and last quarter moon phases. Frequencies of arrival and departure were correlated with time and temperature at night. The results suggest that the moonlight is an important component to general activities in this genus.

Insecta; Polistinae; social insect; Epiponini; bionomics

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