Open-access Unusual Oviposition Behavior by a Seed Feeding Bug (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae)

Comportamento de Oviposição Incomum por um Percevejo Sugador de Sementes (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae)

Jadera choprai Göllner-Scheiding (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae) feeds on the ground on mature seeds of Cardiospermum halicacabum (L.) (Sapindaceae). Laboratory observations indicated that females dug a hole of ca. 0.5 cm in the the soil with the forelegs, laid eggs, and covered them with lose soil. In artificial conditions, females buried the eggs in over 60 % of the ovipositions, and nymphs were able to reach the soil surface from eggs buried 4 cm. This oviposition behavior is rare among seed suckers heteropterans, that usually oviposit on host plants.

Insecta; Jadera choprai; egg

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