Open-access Integrated pest management (IPM) and Internet-based information delivery systems

Manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) e sistemas de liberação de informação sediados na Internet

The Internet enables collaboration and information sharing on an unprecedented scale. It has become a prime medium for research and extension communication. The World Wide Web (WWW) makes it possible to combine information from many different sites in a seamless fashion. The potential for using the web to integrate all types of static and interactive (dynamic) information is unique and unprecedented. The web provides excellent interfaces for all kinds of interactive network databases, and many kinds of online analyses and data processing. Web-based models and decision support systems (DSS) are becoming popular because little or no client software is required, thus reducing software management and distribution costs. No other medium offers such ability as simultaneous real-time weather information, multimedia, analytical processing and multi-way discussion and feedback. IPM is an information-intensive system. Both IPM research and implementation require the reliable supply of timely information. The Internet provides the means to establish communication links between IPM researchers and extension professionals and their clientele to expedite multi-way exchange of information and technology transfer. The Internet particularly the WWW, has opened up a rich array of data resources for IPM research, extension, teaching, and learning that was not as readily accessible before the advent of the Internet. The future of IPM delivery systems through the Internet is promising; internet-based information exchange is quickly becoming an absolute requirement for local, regional/areawide, and international implementation of IPM systems.

Internet; IPM; informatics; decision support system; computer system; pest alert system

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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