Open-access The communities of euglossina bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in remnants of lowland forest on tertiary Tabuleiro in the Rio de Janeiro state

This work aimed at describing and analyzing structural and temporal parameters of communities of Euglossina in remnants of lowland forest on tertiary tabuleiro in the north Rio de Janeiro state in areas with different conservation status and anthropic influences. Chemical bait traps were installed from November/04 to November/05, from 8 am to 3 pm, in two sub-areas (burned and preserved) of Mata do Carvão (1053 ha) and Mata do Funil (135 ha). We collected 2,060 individuals of 11 species distributed in three genera in the burned sub-area, 894 individuals of nine species and three genera in the preserved sub-area and 1,115 individuals of 10 species distributed in four genera in Mata do Funil. The composition of species did not differ among the areas (MRPP, A = -0.015; P = 0.71). The diversity (H’) obtained in the sub-area burned (H’ = 1.14) and preserved (H’ = 1.12) was significantly higher than that described for Mata do Funil (H’ = 0.98). Two peaks of abundance were observed, the larger one in the dry season. Great dominance of Euglosssa cordata (L.) (d = 0, 54) was observed in the sub-area burned and of Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (d = 0, 55) in Mata do Funil; both species were favored for open or disturbed environments. The smaller fragment presented the lowest value of diversity, suggesting the effect of the lost of area on the community of Euglossina. Moreover, disturbed areas (burned) can be benefited if in connection with areas in better preservation condition.

Semidecidual forest; chemical bait; forest fragmentation; Euglossine

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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