Open-access Consumption Rates and Performance of Erinnyis ello L. on Four Cassava Varieties

Taxas de Consumo e Desempenho de Erinnyis ello L. em Quatro Variedades de Mandioca

A laboratory experiment to determine the consumption rates of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and characterize the injury potential by Erinnyis ello L. was conducted. First instar larvae were individually reared on excised cassava leaves of four varieties. A randomized block design with nine replications was used. Fresh leaves were provided to the larvae daily. Leaf area was determined for each leaf before the leaves were provided to the larvae. Foliage consumption per instar, developmental time and weight of larvae and pupae were recorded. There were no significant differences in the larval consumption on the four varieties (P=0.82). Total leaf area consumption (square cm) for the varieties were: 1030.5 (Fio de Ouro), 971.5 (Aipim Bravo), 968.6 (Urubu), 956.1 (Jaburu) and across varieties was 981.6. About 94% of the feeding occurred during the last two larval instars. Varieties also had no effect on larval development (P=0.96). Mean larval weight (g) were: 4.9 (Jaburu), 4.8 (Fio de Ouro), 4.7 (Urubu), 4.6 (Aipim Bravo), and across varieties was 4.8. Two models, one relating larval leaf-feeding and larval development (y = ab x<IMG SRC="http:/img/fbpe/ne/v31n3/a12img01.gif"> ) and another for larval growing (y=5/1+e a+bx), were established. These data indicate that the varieties tested in this study were equally suitable for E. ello development. In addition, because the consumption rates of E. ello are the same across varieties, a single value can be used in determining economic injury levels to manage E. ello on these varieties.

Insect; cassava hornworm; leaf consumption

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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