Open-access New morphological aspects and phylogenetic considerations of Cicindis Bruch (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindini)

Cicindis Bruch is a monospecific genus of carabid beetles endemic to Argentina. In this contribution, Cicindis horni Bruch is re-described, with addition of new morphological features of male internal sac, female genital tract and elytral closure. New information on the species' habitat and distribution is also provided. The phylogenetic placement and relationships of Cicindis within the family Carabidae are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis. Terminal taxa included representatives of all subfamilies of Carabidae and supertribes of Carabinae, with a major sampling of those taxa considered to be closely related to Cicindini by previous authors. The phylogenetic analysis shows the basal position of Cicindis in a clade that includes Ozaeninae, Omophronini, Scaritinae and Conjuncta. A close relationship of Cicindis with Ozaenini + Metriini is supported by the particular closure of the procoxa and the ventral position of the oviduct with respect to the spermatheca.

Cladistics; Cicindis horni; morphology; phylogeny

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