Open-access Biology of Stenoma catenifer Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) in natural and artificial diets and development of a rearing system

The goal of this work was to study the biology of Stenoma catenifer Walsingham on natural and artificial diets and to develop a laboratory rearing technique. Thus, three experiments were performed: a) rearing and development of S. catenifer on pulp and seed of avocado cultivars Breda and Margarida; b) rearing and development of S. catenifer on artificial diet and seeds of cultivars Margarida and Breda; and c) adaptation of S. catenifer to the artificial diet for seven generations. Morphological and biometrical parameters were used to evaluate insect development on all experiments. Larval and pupal survival, fecundity and longevity (males and females) were higher in avocado seeds than pulp. So, nutrition-wise it was a more adequate substrate despite the longer larval stage as compared to that obtained from pulp. Likewise, larval duration and survival were higher in avocado seeds than in artificial diet with five instars regardless the rearing substrate. The artificial diet used for insect rearing for seven generations proved to be suitable since the biological and morphological parameters evaluated did not change throughout all generations studied. Therefore, it is possible to rear S. catenifer using natural and artificial diet through the approaches presented in this paper.

Insecta; avocado fruit borer; Persea americana; rearing tecnique

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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