Open-access The PNLD/2018 philosophy books and the Law 10,639/03: reflections on ethnic-racial diversity in philosophy teaching material in High School 1 2 3


The construction of this research starts from the decolonialist conception and discusses philosophy, its teaching and ethnic-racial diversity from the perspective of Law 10.639 / 03 The research is qualitative and the data were obtained through the documentary collection, which was the 8 books of PNLD / 2018 philosophy as an object of analysis and a mixed questionnaire applied to 31 high school philosophy teachers (EM). The research pointed out that in the analyzed books and in the philosophy classes at EM, there is no effective inclusion of Law 10.639 / 03 in its contents. In this sense, it is possible to affirm that philosophy still has a lot to do in relation to the theme of ethnic-racial diversity, having to problematize its own epistemological axis and open space for the philosophical doing to be a crucial factor in the transformation of racist theories and practices present within and outside the school walls, fostering the problematization of current social relations, in order to promote anti-racist. struggles.

Keywords PNLD/201; Books of Philosophy; Law 10.639/03; Ethnic-racial diversity; Philosophy teaching; High school

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