Open-access Inclusive bilingual education for the deaf as a space of resistance


This article aims to analyze the historical trajectories and knowledge compositions that have activated a new inclusive bilingual educational scenario for deaf, distinct from the inclusive proposals in line with the model supported by the guidelines that support discourses and practices in special education. Bilingual proposals for deaf are presented and actions that seek to break with the paradigm that still maintains the centrality of education in the Portuguese language. Concepts of the philosophies of difference in Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari contributed to the analysis and historicization (knowledge/power) of the factors that allowed the emergence of bilingual projects as a possible field of investigation. The relevance of this research is to contribute with the existing discussions about the displacements of knowledge for educational procedures, carried out in municipalities that adopt bilingual inclusive methods, in order to demarcate the history of social movements towards proposals of bilingual polo-schools.

Keywords education for the deaf; knowledge and power relations; resistance

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