Open-access Satirical repercussions of the social schooling processes in radio programs (1930-1940)

This article analyzes satirical repercussions of the social schooling processes in Brazil found in old radio comedies which, usually built around the dialogue between a teacher and his or her students, were, on the one hand, huge audience successes and, on the other hand, subjected to systematic criticism from those who believed that radio broadcasting should be used as an instrument to disseminate the "true" culture. Through the use of sound and print records, the text seeks to understand the reasons behind the success of this genre and, in so doing, to identify the criticisms that these programs directed through humor at the school, at education and its agents, which were brought forward in conflicts between sonorous popular traditions and school knowledge.

radio broadcasting; humor; education

UNICAMP - Faculdade de Educação Av Bertrand Russel, 801, 13083-865 - Campinas SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3521-6707 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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