Open-access Corporeity: the legacy of Marcel Mauss and Maurice Merleau-Ponty

The purpose of this article is to make a dialogue between Marcel Mauss and Maurice Merleau-Ponty's contributions in respect to the reflections produced by both of them about body and corporeity. Although the theoretical basis for the first one is anthropology and for the second, phenomenology, both of them were concerned about overcoming the famous dichotomy inaugurated by Descartes between thinking and matter. The text seeks, while pointing out the theoretical approaches from both authors, to show the possibility of dialogue between their views. Our intention was to show that the dialogue between the authors is possible not only by their differences, but also by their similarities. To do so, we bring some contributions from scholars and researchers who, based on the studied authors or on similar ideas, seek to amplify the discussion about body and corporeity in contemporary society.

corporeity; Marcel Mauss; Merleau-Ponty

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