Open-access Problematizing of homeschooling: a defense of the public school as a common democratic space 1 2 3 4


This paper problematizes home schooling by analyzing bills currently under review in the Chamber of Deputies, as well as reports by mothers on the intensification of homeschooling during the coronavirus crisis. We understand that the proposal of homeschooling is aligned with a conservative neoliberal governmentality with a focus on the processes of individualization, exclusion, and teacher de-professionalization, which have prevented the schooling process from being shared in the common, public, and democratic school setting. As a form of resistance to such a process, we have brought up the concept of common as proposed by Dardot and Laval, which has enabled us to think of school as a non-appropriable setting.

Keywords escolarização doméstica; governamentalidade neoliberal conservadora; docência; defesa da escola pública

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