Open-access The epistemological foundation of Philosophy Teaching: a discussion about the area from its authors’ viewpoint 1 2 3 4 5


This article is based on the assumption that there is, in Brazil, an autonomous field of knowledge that we can call Philosophy Teaching. This assumption, in turn, is based on bibliographic and technical productions, as well as on studies conducted by members of the Philosophizing and Teaching to Philosophize Working Group of the Brazilian National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF). It aims to present the specificities of this subarea and its epistemological foundation - discussing the locus of Philosophy Teaching in relation to educational issues and philosophical problems; to Education, Philosophy and Philosophy of Education. An unusual material will be used for this: the statements of those who are part of the philosophy teaching community.

Keywords Philosophy Teaching; Field of Knowledge; Epistemological foundation; Philosophy; Education; Philosophy of Education

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