Open-access “Teaching those who do not want to learn”: one of the challenges of Didactics and Teacher Training 1 2 3


This article builds on the expression “teaching those who do not want to learn” that is consolidated in the perceptions of high school teachers as one of the greatest challenges of the teaching-learning process in public schools. The data is part of a study on teaching for young people from peripherical regions. The objectives are to see the reality of these “students who do not want to learn”; identify how teachers can overcome this reality and promote meanings for the school; to recognize new dimensions of teaching practice to be incorporated by the teaching of Didactics and Teacher training. The argument is based on Didactics and Sociology studies. It is argued that a new teaching professionalty is marked by the relational and motivational dimensions of work, in which the teacher is a “relationship professional” and a “builder of meaning”.

Keywords good teacher; didactics; high school; professionalty

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