Open-access Intergenerational relationships in Brazilian market of teachers’ education: old and new challenges to consider 1 2 3


This article based on a literature review focuses on the Brazilian case of teacher education, highlighting some limits imposed for the reconnaissance of its initiatory dimension and the formative potential of intergenerational relationships established among teachers. Teacher education is assumed as a competitive space characterized by symbolic struggles that, according to Bourdieusian perspective, allow the transfiguration of certain relations of domination that are present in the educational field. It is considered that the intergenerational relations among teachers have reached low value in such symbolic market, mainly due to the historical process of devaluation of teachers’ practices and the low power place that Brazilian teachers occupy in this competitive space. That symbolic fragilization of teachers has intensified in the last decades with the emergence of a managerial perspective of teacher education, which has been provoking a degeneration of the professionalization processes of teaching. Such context imposes new challenges in the epistemological, political and cultural plans for the production of a professional model of teacher education, in which teachers occupy more active place on education of teachers’ new generations. Facing these challenges demands, among other actions, the rescue of teachers’ professionalization movement, for which the university can play a relevant role.

Keywords teachers’ education; intergenerational relationships; teachers’ practices; symbolic market; teachers’ professionalization

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