Open-access School flow correction policy in Pernambuco: an analysis of the Travessia program


We analyze, in the present text, the perception of students from the Travessia program about the possible qualitative repercussions of this public policy in the process of coping with the distortion of school age/grade in the teaching network of Pernambuco. The analysis of the data allows us to verify that the program was effective in the process of regularizing the school flow, registering a reduction in the index of age/school grade distortion in High School from 61% in 2007 to 36.4% in 2013. On the other hand, based on the ccontent analysis framework, it was possible to infer from the data collected through semi-structured interviews that have limitations in terms of qualitative results, since the subjects of the research recognize the low impact of the program, In terms of the sequence of studies, the insertion in the world of formal work and the practice of citizen practices in the social context in which individuals live.

Keywords educational policy; school flow correction; Travessia program; school failure

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