Open-access Literacy in the National Common Core (BNCC)1 2 3


The aim of this paper is to analyze how literacy is articulated in the National Common Core (BNCC4) approved by the National Education Council in December 2017. Documentary research is the methodology used to examine documents/texts produced by both administrative agencies and officials in charge of education, in Brazil and in the world, respectively. It concludes that the functional literacy model, adopted by Unesco for Education, Science and Culture to subsidize adult literacy programs and projects, which is compatible with the notion of competence adopted by the BNCC, reduces literacy to the development of phonological awareness and to the learning of writing technique with the aim of educating people adapted to the prevailing social order and productive model.

Keywords literacy; functional model of literacy; National Common Core; text

UNICAMP - Faculdade de Educação Av Bertrand Russel, 801, 13083-865 - Campinas SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3521-6707 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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