Open-access German primers from the Rotermund publishing house (1927-1933): gender representations in rural work 1 2 3


This academic paper aims to analyze gender representation, especially concerning the work roles attributed to men and women presented in the illustrations of the guidelines Mein Rechenbuch (My calculus book) and Fibel für Deutsche Schulen in Brasilien (Guidelines for German schools in Brazil), both produced by the publishing house Rotermund, which was linked to the Rio-Grandense Synod. Elaborated in German language, these guidelines sought to attend Synod schools linked to Lutheran churches, which worked alongside the colonies of German-Pomeranian immigrants in southern Rio Grande do Sul. In the course of this study, the aim was to identify possible social directions transmitted through the work organization illustrated in the guidelines. In this context, it was observed that social relations represented are ethnic and cultural constructions historically established, integrating a process that involves school and religious institutions.

Keywords german guidelines; representation; gender; rural world; work

UNICAMP - Faculdade de Educação Av Bertrand Russel, 801, 13083-865 - Campinas SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3521-6707 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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