Open-access The links between philosophy and education in Theodor W. Adorno's thoughts

This article discusses the relationship between philosophy and education in Theodor Adorno's ideas. From the reflection about the relation between theory and praxis in his thoughts, we seek to understand the political role within his conceptions of philosophy and human formation and discuss limits and possibilities in the present. To this end, we selected for our object of analysis the conferences given by the author and articles he wrote on the subject, between 1959 and 1969, so as to recover the possible nexus between philosophy and theoretical education in his work, the meaning that his critical thinking and his conception of political education has taken in this context and to discuss how relevant this is nowadays. We therefore intend to reconstitute Adorno's reflection on the topicand understand its meaning in his philosophical project in order to see the educational philosophical aspect in his critical thinking.

Theodor W. Adorno; crisis of human formation; political education; philosophy of education

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