Open-access Theoretical-methodological relations between Freire and Dussel and their contributions to an axiological-transformative práxis 1 2 3 4


Studies that address the issue of the necessary values for a liberating education have been using authors such as Paulo Freire and Enrique Dussel. In this context, the present study aimed to characterize the axiological-transforming praxis of ethical-critical education. For this, a theoretical study was carried out with three points of discussion as reference: i) the theoretical-methodological relations between Freire's liberating pedagogy and the philosophy of Dusselian liberation; ii) Thematic Investigation contributions to the development of a Liberator Pedagogical Project; iii) the axiological perspectives from the relationship between pedagogy and the philosophy of liberation. This articulation allowed to understand the importance of popular culture values in the development of an ethical-critical educational process.

Keywords Transformative praxis; Axiology; Values; Paulo Freire; Enrique Dussel

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