Open-access Two ways to bring the university closer to the school: the team of internship supervisors and continuing education


Does the university succeed in establishing trusting relationships with the teachers it trained? The researchers frequently highlight the differences between the academic training and the school teaching. This gap is due to a lack of mutual interest and a poor public acknowledgement. On the contrary, this article analyses two positives experiences. The first one shows the work of a team supervising duets master – students in teacher training course, highlighting the sharing of a passion as well as the pleasure of teaching and learning. The second experience studies the building of a positive relationship between a researcher and the colleagues involved in a participatory research which studies the sensitivity of these colleagues when they are teaching pupils what they were taught themselves at university, in a continuing education course in university. The results show that those colleagues are very grateful to the researcher when she builds their professional identity card, decodes their learning in real working conditions and values their art of teaching.

Keywords teacher training; internship supervision; continuing education; workplace learning

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