Open-access Considerations as to secondary education, school dropout and youth in the context of the pandemic in Argentina 1 2 3

Considerações sobre o ensino médio, a evasão escolar e a juventude no contexto da pandemia na Argentina

Consideraciones sobre la educación secundaria, la deserción escolar y la juventud en el contexto de la pandemia en Argentina


Historically, the Latin American region presents evident social and educational inequalities that are represented in the educational trajectories of its youth populations; conditions that seem to be exacerbated in a pandemic. The objective of this text is to analyze the situation of secondary education in Latin America and in Argentina, in particular. To that end, regional data is provided referring to the family educational environment, geographical region, age and the characteristics of the educational institution matrix that refer to and constitute abandonment processes. Finally, this article advances on a series of contributions as to young people and feelings in pandemic context that endow the conclusions aimed at exploring renewed lines of approach to the study of education and youth.

Keywords youth; secondary education; school dropout; pandemic; Latin America; Argentina

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