Open-access Making neoliberalism work “within us”: the pedagogy of nonprofit civil society organizations and teacher education 1 2 3


The article presents and discusses the results of a research that aimed to examine the pedagogy carried out by nonprofit civil society organizations in the niche of teacher education and the possible effects of truth that it intends to disseminate. The empirical corpus gathered documents both on the functioning of these institutions as well as the implementation strategies of such pedagogy. The theoretical-methodological inspiration came from the Foucauldian production on discourse and from studies on pedagogies. The thesis defended is that the organizations investigated carry out a hybrid pedagogy that produces its own necessity and operates in order to effect learning through cyclical processes that have as a starting (and arrival) point pre-established models. Furthermore, the thesis proposes that the pedagogy analyzed, by disseminating learning related to neoliberal logic precepts, would be one of the ways to make neoliberalism work “within us”.

Keywords teacher education; nonprofit civil society organizations; hybrid pedagogy; neoliberalism and education; cultural studies in education

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