Open-access Valuative standing positions and relations on gender and digital media: a sociological analysis on the TV 13 Reasons Why


This article presents a sociological analysis of the TV show 13 Reasons Why’s first season, produced and released by Netflix. The analysis considers contextual elements of the production and diffusion of the show, standing from the sociotechnical point of view of its connection with new communication and information technologies. It considers, also, the perspective of gender constructing relations and its articulation with some current feminist guidelines. The analysis employs techniques from the sociology of cinema of Pierre Sorlin, emphasizing the construction of relational systems, which organize, into the narrative, the relationships among characters, and the values and moral, ideological positions evoked by them. Within the construction of 13 Reasons Why’s relational systems, is emphasized the configuration of a hierarchy among students intertwined with the gender category and expressions of valuative standpoints related to the ways in which the characters use analogical technologies in counterpoint to the digital ones.

Keywords gender; image; digital media; socialization

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