Open-access Speech by Dr. Jaume Trilla Bernet in the act of granting Paulo Freire the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Barcelona in 1988


This is the publication of the speech given (in Catalan) by Jaume Trilla Bernet, professor at the University of Barcelona, at the ceremony for the award of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Paulo Neves Réglus Freire by that institution. Valéria Garcia introduces the Spanish teacher to the Brazilian public, commenting on the importance of his work in the field of non-formal education, as well as his relationship with Freire. In the speech, Prof. Trilla makes a biographical presentation of the honoree and reviews his work, taking the theory-practice relationship as its axis, explaining as central concepts: awareness; dialogue; change.

Keywords Paulo Freire; University of Barcelona; Doctor Honoris Causa; theory-practice relations

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