Open-access The Teaching Dream: Fantastic Loom


The text begins with an oneiric procedure. It shares questions on the conceptual and analytical category about the Teaching dream. Previously, in the aphoristic way, in a sequence of successive frames, places the common background of studies already developed, in its tropological or curiological field: there where concepts, senses, propositions and theses — about Teaching, Archive, Curriculum, Didactics, Aula, EIS AICE, Translation, Teacher, Poetry — plunge into the oneiric discourse and curl up in it like tendrils. It presents dream points, in its historicity, knowledge areas, problematizations and triggers, on the part of educational research, in addition to its relations with writreading and death. Thus, it configures the current stage of oneirocritic research; which, in a network, harvests meteors and eats desert dust. At the same time that it points out the prudence of, at present, recording the following collective epitaph: It is sinister how we execute cruelties against our own teaching.

Keywords Dream; Teaching; Archive; Aula; To-be-translated

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