Open-access Teacher education in contemporary times: challenges and possibilities of the partnership between university and school


This dossier addresses the issue of relations between the university and the school in the context of teacher education. Based on discussions about supervised internships, professional insertion at school, practice as a place of training and knowledge production, intergenerational partnerships and the relationship between initial training curriculum and school curriculum, the relations that have been established between the university and the school were problematized, with a view to the professionalization of teaching. For such purpose, we invited researchers from different countries, such as Brazil, Chile, Portugal and Belgium, whose articles present researches and experiences regarding partnerships articulating the university and the school, bringing contributions that dialogue with the themes announced above, in line with the specifics of each context. In conclusion, the six articles that make up the dossier provide possibilities for coping and successful experiences, besides a mapping of the relationship between university and school.

Keywords teacher education; professionalization of teaching; university-school partnership; supervised internship

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