Open-access Paulo Freire and generative subjectivities: a philosophical way of life for contemporary education


Inspired by the life and thought of Paulo Freire, this text affirms the “generative subjectivities” – a form of transit to other existential conditions, possible becomings of life and of other worlds –, as the sense of a philosophical education. Such education encompass three problematizing fields: (i) the relation of oneself with otherness; (ii) philosophical asceticism as a political form of social life; and (iii) the production of truths beyond those prefigured by oppressive, anti-democratic, and dehumanizing forces. We thus engage in a double movement: to existentialize philosophy and to philosophize an educational life. Indirectly, we also answer an “old” query among us: is Paulo Freire a philosopher of education?

Keywords Paulo Freire; hilosophical life; generative subjectivity; dignity

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