Open-access Enem’s official advertising represented in media: a look at the exam as an educational device 1 2 3 4


The article analyzes Enem and its representation in advertising, in favor of its visibility and credibility as a national policy for evaluating access to higher education. To look at Enem as a device is to understand it in the power relations game announced as indicative of equality of opportunity that produces subjects. The research considers the centrality of culture and the constitutive role of discourses that produce meanings about Enem. We analyzed government-produced advertising videos from 2009 to 2018, broadcast on open TV, and the Geekie Games Enem Platform. The research pointed out that such productions seek to “sell” a better future opportunity, available to all who deserve it, reinforcing the political and educational discourse that mobilizes (and paralyzes) the institutions.

Keywords assessments in large scale; National High School Exam; advertisements; science teaching

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