Open-access Deafness and alterity: “the meeting between the tiling of the voices and the waving of hands”1


The essayist text considers the dialogue between Deaf Studies in a post-structuralist bias and the Philosophy of Language to approaching the difference as a non-coincidence. In it, the deafness experience is treated as a single event, problematizing the deaf person’s body imprisonment to fixed representations, on behalf of a homogenizing project marked by the reproduction of the identity. Nobody affirms itself because the universalizing force of linguistic standardization is directly proportional to the invisibility of those who hear and oralize. However, affirming itself becomes evident the non-submission of the Deaf Person to the monolingual and monocultural listener project, and denounces the attempt of fixating the identity according to the normality canons. Opposition relations which mark the deaf identity and the listener normality bear the impossibility of dialogue, making the claims of hands which signal remain invisible in territories inhabited by voices that are inaccessible to the deaf people’s ears, in contrast to the alterity.

Keywords difference; Deafness; Bilingualism; Libras

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