Open-access Epistemology of comparative education emphasizing educational reforms: a view from the Decolonial theory 1 2 3 4


From the beginning, Comparative Education has a reformist vocation and was permeated by several Epistemologies, which influences the approach on the tensions between the local and the global. Decolonial Theory discusses this tension. This article deals with the Epistemology of Comparative Education emphasizing the educational reforms from a Decolonial perspective. We conducted bibliographic and documental research. Comparative Education has a pragmatic use and the way the Reforms were and still are being implemented does not consider the local specificities of each region. The main conclusion is that the Decolonial Theory gives subsidies for an epistemological turn in the field of Comparative Education with an emphasis on educational reforms in order to (re)think the articulation between the tension of the local and the global.

Keywords Comparative Education; Decolonial Theory; Educational Reforms; Epistemology

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