Open-access Control by Rules: Effects of Questions, Formal Properties of Rules and Reinforcement Schedules

Aiming the investigation of the effects of some variables on rule following, 24 college students were submitted to a matching-to-sample procedure, with the task of pointing to the comparison stimuli in sequence. In Phase 1 the correct sequence was established by differential reinforcement in continuous reinforcement schedule. In Phases 2 and 3 the reinforcement contingencies were kept unchanged, and meanwhile rules (suggestion and mand) discrepant of the contingencies were manipulated. In Conditions 1 and 2, Phases 2 and 3 suggestion and mand were presented in this sequence. In Conditions 3 and 4 the presentation order was reversed. Questions concerning why the behavior was reinforced were presented only in Phase 1 of Conditions 1 and 3. Hundred percent participants did not follow the suggestion, 60% did not follow the mand. Results indicate that the history of alternative behavior to the specified by the rule, justifications, and questions may interfere with the discrepant-to-the-contingencies rule-following, and implications for the comprehension of the functions of the reinforcement contingencies and rules in the explanation of behavior.

Rules and contingencies; justifications; experimental histories; questions

Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 - sala 110, 90035-003 Porto Alegre RS - Brazil, Tel.: +55 51 3308-5691 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
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